December 14th, 2008 at 04:27 pm
I spend mine drinking coffee and watching "Meet The Press" and "The Wall Street Journal Report". After which I will be studying for my finals. Yuck! I have left my place to such negligence due to time crunch and stress level that I can't remember the last time I cleaned it. I HAVE done some (very) light cleaning just so that it doesn't turn into a pig sty. However it needs a thorough "Fall cleaning"- cleaning out all the closets, donating everything I don't need to cut clutter and to receive tax benefits next year and all and all a total organization. I also need to go for eye and dentist appointment before the end of the year etc. Oh, and start working out! Too many things to do and too little time!
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December 13th, 2008 at 03:27 pm
This week was not so great in terms of spending money. I am not such a fan of cold cuts, but it's easy so I eat it. However, when I was making my lunch a few days back, I noticed the low sodium ham I had bought had some kind of painty/waxy looking small spots on it - the same color as the meat - maybe a little darker. I don't really eat meat that much, and I know cold cuts are processed. But I don't really know what it could have been. It could be part of the meat itself. But I am picky, so I chucked the whole lot out. Didn't even feed it to my dog. So my sandwich consisted of cheese and lettuce. Hence I had to go out and buy some soup to balance it out. The next day I didn't even bother bringing lunch. I just got some Indian take out. I love spicy food, and I had a perfect excuse to buy it.
Yesterday, I was so preoccupied, I got on the wrong train while I was coming home. It was not such a big deal, only meant I had to walk a few minutes extra and walk by Starbucks. Hence I treated myself to their coffee and I don't even like their coffee. I need to pull myself out of this rut. However I won't be so hard on myself since next weeks is finals and I am stressed. I can't wait for this semester to be over!!!!!!!!!!! One more week!!
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December 10th, 2008 at 06:09 pm
To keep up with my goal, I have started to bring my own lunch figuring every little bit will help towards saving for down payment. I have been eating ham sandwich with cheese and butter or a week now, and frankly I could do without looking at one for a long time. Do you have any other interesting sandwich ideas? Or any other kind of lunch idea. (Not leftovers though) Thanks!
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December 9th, 2008 at 03:43 pm
I wish I could say that I am sitting on a pile of down payment and waiting to pounce at the exact right moment. I am not. I only just recently started putting money together for it. I am in my early 30's. Why so late? Well, life happened. The areas that I will be living in, I can't see myself being able to buy a house for less than 350K. I only have about 10K saved up. Realistically, I won't be able to buy a house for 2 years if I diligently saved anything I can . Even if BF gets on board and contributes, it will take us about 2 years to be able to put a decent down payment. Do you think I would have missed an opportunity by then? I am having a mini panic attack. I would appreciate your thoughts on this topic. Thanks.
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December 7th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
It's turning out to be quite windy and cold tonight. I wish I didn't have to go out for the night, but I do need to take my dog walking for his nightly duties. Every time it's very cold outside, the heat in my apartment doesn't seem to work. I personally think they scrimp on the heating and turn the heat off late at night. Sometimes I feel that this building must have so many violations. Isn't it required for apartment buildings to have full time supers? Or is that not the case? Every time I ask my super to fix something, he says "I am only the part time super". And then he gets mad that I am not home during the work day! Hello, I work, I go to school, and can't sit around waiting for him to show up. Especially since there have been times when I have actually waited for him to show up when he said he would, and have him not show up! I don't know. It's so frustrating. The only reason I am in this apartment is because the rent is not horribly overpriced (although it is still a lot)as it would be if I were to move some place else right now. Plus everywhere I go, I am sure I will face the same bs. I wish I had the down payment amount ready already to buy a house. And I wish the economy was better, and that the job market was better. And that I was already done with my graduate studies. And that I had enough self confidence in myself. Okay, now I am depressed.
Posted in
December 7th, 2008 at 07:06 pm
Testing. Testing! Welcome to my new financial blog. I will add more specifics as I go along. For now, here are some short and sweet goals I have.
#1) Save 1k each month towards home purchase
#2) Loose 10 pounds by exercising, eating healthy, and refraining from alcohol and hence also saving money as a result.
#3) Preparation for advancement in my career for when the market picks up.
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